List of political parties in Germany

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Left-Wing Parties

Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)

German National Workers' Party (DNAP)

Liberal Parties

Liberal People's Party (LVP)

German Economic Party (WP)

National Liberal Party (NLP)

Zentrum and Its Wings/Factions/Regional Branches

Zentrum Party

The Zentrumspartei (Catholic Centre Party) throughout the 1930s, suffered a huge internal crisis. A competition between the Moderates under Heinrich Brüning, and the Rightists under Franz von Papen. In the end, continued electoral losses under von Papen allowed the Moderates to regain their power, and under Brüning the Zentrum has seen a resurgence. The Bayerische Volkspartei (Bavarian Peoples Party) was returned back to the fold, and they've reached popularity levels unseen since their heyday at the turn of the century. The Zentrumspartei stands for Catholic Democracy and Social Conservatism, with their overall economic position having moved leftwards over recent years. They've also got a Progressive faction, led by Joseph Wirth, which calls for more social reforms. Overall they can be seen as a religious counterpart of the LVP, and have eaten most of the LVP's former support. If the DNEF tries to centralise completely, the Zentrumspartei Moderaten! will stand avowedly against.!

Conservative Parties

German Conservative Party (DkP)

The Deutschkonservative Partei (German Conservative Party) was formed in 1876, and ever since has been either the ruling, or one of the most important, parties in Germany. That was until the end of the Weltkrieg. With the liberal March Constitution and the rise of the DVLP, the future of the DkP saw an all time low, but now they have since recovered under Schleicher's wartime government.

The aftermath of Red Brunswick saw Kuno von Westarp jettisoned as party chairman, being succeeded by Carl Friedrich Goerdeler. After the DRP collapsed, many of her former members joined the DkP as a more moderate, pragmatic faction, led by Robert Lehr.

They're avowed monarchists, nationalist conservatives, and economic interventionists. Many of them are also pretty non-committal on the stance of democracy, and if the DNEF experiment succeeds many, but not all DkP politicians and voters will form the new political base.

Deutsches Nationale Einheitsfront

The German National Unity Front, in German called the Deutsche Nationale Einheitsfront, is not a political party in the traditional sense, but rather a political experiment by Ferdinand von Bredow to essentially redraw German Politics.

Combining a broad united front of conservative & anti-democrat military and civilian officials, the DNEF's ultimate aim is the "Zentralisierung" of Germany; to supplant the traditional, multi-party Prussian Constitutional system and replace it with an efficient, centralised dictatorship acting in the "imperial interest above partisan politics".

Nationally conservative, monarchist and statist, their overarching ideology is directly informed by the Reichskanzler, and by a lesser extent the Kaiser himself.

As such they can be somewhat ideologically fluid, but always absolutist in nature. The DNEF enjoys the direct support of the Kaiser, and many of the most politically influential groups in the Empire. It can be likened to a modern incarnation of the Weltkrieg era DVLP, though with völkisch elements sidelined.

Far Right Parties

German Fatherland Party

The Deutsche Vaterlandspartei (German Fatherland Party), formed in 1917 and was intended as a catch-all movement unifying the entire German political class to achieve victory in the Weltkrieg.

However, following a split in the DVLP between Alfred Hugenberg and Heinrich Claß, the radical anti-government DVFP was formed. Overall today the DVLP stands for similar policies as they did in the interwar era, ultra-nationalism and anti-semitism.

However, their continued existence is pretty much purely to ensure the far right is pro-government, as Heinrich Claß is deeply involved with the Bredow administration. As such, if the DNEF centralises power the DVLP will join up with them pretty simply, as a 'Volkisch Faction'.

German Völkish Freedom Party